Female Infanticide

"You go girl", or , " Women Empowerment " , or "Girl Power", etc. are some terms that we hear these days. This generation of millennials has changed the way of looking up to the world, changed the way people look at women. But still , today in some parts of the country the birth of girls is considered to be a curse and is known as Female Infanticide.

And why shouldn't they feel like this?? I mean why shouldn't they feel that girls come into this world as a curse. Just think about it , if a girl is born then the parents have to worry about her marriage and then the dowry and they have to teach her how to protect herself , how to "not get raped", and a lot of stuff in this particular area. People in the northern plains like to ascend their legacy , the legacy which girls cannot extend because they will get married and go to a different house, so jumping to conclusions , we basically are goats. We are fed, we are bathed, we are given shelter , we are taken care of and then sent off to other person and get slaughtered. Whereas when a boy is born , nothing is expected off him apart from him being born.

When a lady is pregnant in the states like Uttar Pradesh , people prefer to follow the procedure called "Sex Determination" which is illegal in our country, but this is India right ? Nothing is illegal. Back to the point, if the sex of the child (unborn) is female, she is killed because she will be a future burden on her family.

All of you must be thinking why I chose female infanticide as a topic , it is because my own relatives are involved in this crime. Truly speaking, educated family members who have gone to IIT and studied PhD are involved and they think giving birth to a second girl is not "profitable" for them. I never had the courage to stand up to my relatives and tell them this is wrong , "You have right to abort a child, but you don't have any kind of right to abort a child just because it's a girl". Giving birth to a girl in my part of the family is considered to be a shame and whenever a girl is born in my family there is no celebration , infact people offer condolences , and husband's don't visit their wives and people don't pick up their cell phones and what not "hot-shot drama."

A true story, I was sitting in my balcony and saw the Hyderabad gangrape case news showing up and at that time one of my relatives was talking on the phone and said ," Educated girl , how can she get raped, that's why girls should not be born" , so now you will realize now that I am surrounded by people who still objectify women.

I just want to say that we women and girls do not want any of sympathy or strength or validation from society or men, because we have all of them, the only thing we need is deterration of this mental sickness of "birth of a girl child", because I promise you that the determination , the respect ,  a son has for his family is nothing compared to what a girl feels for her family ( no offense boys).
We understand our responsibilities because in every step of our life we are reminded of them , we are told what is wrong and right but many boys are not told these and these are boys who grow up with the same mentality as their parents and all of us know what happens next.

Nature created two powers : Feminine and Masculine, I request all of you to respect us and let us live. Please stop Female infanticide because it is a sin.

Stay safe!


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